Rose Lee is a zombie social worker in post-apocalypse Hornellsville, trying to help out zombies who are having a tough go of it. She is ever watchful, looking for the next human who may have succumbed to the zombie disease. Humans who have survived the apocalypse have a hard time understanding why she would help the zombies, especially since they are supposed to be violent.
Rose dispels some of the common misconceptions about zombies, such as they can’t eat brains because their teeth are falling out, and they must live in air conditioned surroundings or be at risk of disintegrating completely. This is a task that she takes on with humor and tenacity.
Life is pretty much an uphill battle until she finds an ally – a zombie hunter named Alex Georgiades. While he is a womanizer, he soon realizes Rose is a no-nonsense kind of girl who can easily resist his charms (and can run in high heels). Together they begin to deal with the wreckage of their town, and figure out who wants the zombie virus to keep ripping through humans in the U.S.A.
Charlotte Gerber is a freelance writer and author. She lives in upstate New York on a farm with her husband, two children and numerous animals. When she isn't writing (which isn't very often), she can be found outside chasing escapee chickens who want to get to the other side of the road, and wrangling ducks that would prefer to be wandering in ditches, much to the displeasure of local motorists.
FMM: What is it like to interact with your readers?
CG: I enjoy interacting with my readers, whether it is through social networking sites or through email with someone who is excited about winning one of my book giveaways. I love to hear that something I wrote made someone laugh and brightened their day, or that a mystery I wrote kept the person guessing until the end. I’m lucky to have a very supportive group of fans that are always encouraging me to keep writing.
FMM: Do you have any bookish pet peeves?
CG: My #1 bookish pet peeve would be book snobs. I actually feel sorry for them though. They go through life limiting themselves because they will only read books that have been pre-approved by others in an academic setting. This reminds me of the scene in the movie Back to School with Rodney Dangerfield. His character, Thornton Melon, hires Kurt Vonnegut Jr. to write an English lit paper on his own books, and the teacher gives him a bad grade anyway. Even Kurt Vonnegut Jr. can’t pass muster with the academic literati!
The latest incarnation of a book snob is someone who won’t read a book that hasn’t been published by a traditional publishing house. He or she loathes self-published books; unfortunately, these individuals are missing out on lots of wonderful, new authors with amazing stories to share.
FMM: What are your thoughts like when you write?
CG: I try to put myself in my character’s shoes and write as if their story was happening in real time. I’m thinking about what he or she is experiencing with each of their senses, and how those things affect each scene, as well as the other characters.
Music also influences my writing, and I try to choose things that put me in the right frame of mind for a specific scene. For example, I may listen to the Jesse Stone: Stone Cold soundtrack by Jeff Beal when I’m penning a dark scene for a mystery, or happy tunes from Owl City when I’m writing a comedic scene.
FMM: How do you think that you've improved as a writer?
CG: I think there is always room for improvement, whether you’ve been writing for ages or are new to the business. If I had to pick one thing that I’ve improved on, it would be writing dialog. When I first started writing there was a lot of backstory in my novels. Now, however, there is much more dialogue, which in my opinion keeps a story moving much more quickly.
FMM: What kind of scenes are your favorite to write?
CG: I love writing comedy scenes that require characters to react to the absurd and unexpected. Whether one of my characters is being saluted with a beer bottle held by a drunk in a trailer park, or a zombie has been fried in a shed and now has a hairdo like Don King, if it makes me laugh out loud as I’m writing it, it usually ends up in the final draft of my novel.
FMM: What are you currently reading?
CG: I’m usually reading two or more books at once, often because I’m working on a book review for someone. This week I’m reading ‘How to Wash a Cat’ by Rebecca M. Hale, which is a quirky mystery (my favorite). The other book I am reading is ‘Shattering Halos’ by Sunniva Dee, and it is a paranormal romance. I’m a fast reader though, so by next week I’ll be reading several new books!
Prizes up for grabs:

2 signed paperback copies
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CG: I enjoy interacting with my readers, whether it is through social networking sites or through email with someone who is excited about winning one of my book giveaways. I love to hear that something I wrote made someone laugh and brightened their day, or that a mystery I wrote kept the person guessing until the end. I’m lucky to have a very supportive group of fans that are always encouraging me to keep writing.
CG: My #1 bookish pet peeve would be book snobs. I actually feel sorry for them though. They go through life limiting themselves because they will only read books that have been pre-approved by others in an academic setting. This reminds me of the scene in the movie Back to School with Rodney Dangerfield. His character, Thornton Melon, hires Kurt Vonnegut Jr. to write an English lit paper on his own books, and the teacher gives him a bad grade anyway. Even Kurt Vonnegut Jr. can’t pass muster with the academic literati!
The latest incarnation of a book snob is someone who won’t read a book that hasn’t been published by a traditional publishing house. He or she loathes self-published books; unfortunately, these individuals are missing out on lots of wonderful, new authors with amazing stories to share.
CG: I try to put myself in my character’s shoes and write as if their story was happening in real time. I’m thinking about what he or she is experiencing with each of their senses, and how those things affect each scene, as well as the other characters.
Music also influences my writing, and I try to choose things that put me in the right frame of mind for a specific scene. For example, I may listen to the Jesse Stone: Stone Cold soundtrack by Jeff Beal when I’m penning a dark scene for a mystery, or happy tunes from Owl City when I’m writing a comedic scene.
CG: I think there is always room for improvement, whether you’ve been writing for ages or are new to the business. If I had to pick one thing that I’ve improved on, it would be writing dialog. When I first started writing there was a lot of backstory in my novels. Now, however, there is much more dialogue, which in my opinion keeps a story moving much more quickly.
CG: I love writing comedy scenes that require characters to react to the absurd and unexpected. Whether one of my characters is being saluted with a beer bottle held by a drunk in a trailer park, or a zombie has been fried in a shed and now has a hairdo like Don King, if it makes me laugh out loud as I’m writing it, it usually ends up in the final draft of my novel.
CG: I’m usually reading two or more books at once, often because I’m working on a book review for someone. This week I’m reading ‘How to Wash a Cat’ by Rebecca M. Hale, which is a quirky mystery (my favorite). The other book I am reading is ‘Shattering Halos’ by Sunniva Dee, and it is a paranormal romance. I’m a fast reader though, so by next week I’ll be reading several new books!
Prizes up for grabs:

2 signed paperback copies
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