Some sixteen-year-olds babysit for extra cash. Some work at the mall. Becca Williamson breaks up couples. Becca knows from experience the damage that love can do. After all, it was so-called love that turned Huxley from her childhood best friend into a social-world dictator, and love that left Becca's older sister devastated at the altar. Instead of sitting on the sidelines, Becca strikes back—for just one hundred dollars via PayPal, she will trick and manipulate any couple's relationship into smithereens. And with relationship zombies overrunning her school and treating single girls as if they're second-class citizens, business is unfortunately booming. Even Becca's best friend, Val, has resorted to outright lies to snag a boyfriend. One night, Becca receives a mysterious offer to break up the most popular couple in school: Huxley and the football team's star player, Steve. To succeed, she'll have to plan her most elaborate scheme to date—starting rumors, sabotaging cell phones, breaking into cars…not to mention sneaking back into Huxley's good graces. All while fending off the inappropriate feelings she may or may not be having for Val's new boyfriend. No one said being the Break-Up Artist would be easy.

4.5 of stars

4.5 of stars
After just reading the title I knew this book would be a great read. Becca is an extremely funny and she thinks in snappy, witty ways. Becca has learned that breaking up couples can get her both money, and a reputation. This book kept me thinking of how on earth Becca will manipulate or tick the next couple into doom. While she seems quite cruel, the author has made an excellent approach at what she thinks of her own job. I love the fact that Becca is not at all perfect, and many aspects of her life are flawed. Her P.O.V is such a refreshing mood from other teen girls in books iv'e read before. I liked Val and the friendship she had with Becca. When I started this book I expected to find an overly sweet, fluffy plot with characters to match. But I was pleasantly surprised to find a book that kept me thinking, while constantly surprising me with new twists in both Becca's relationships, and the others around her. Becca's relationships with both her friends, and her enemies were quite likable. The nerd boys at her table were adorable, and her closest girlfriends seemed like fun people to be around.
This book would be great for anyone who wants to read a modern-day story of a girl trying to find herself, and balance out her life.
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