About Jade's book Bullet: What if you discover the man you want is toxic?
She tasted a little bit of heaven with him, and now they’ve gone through hell and back, but can their relationship take anymore?
Valerie Quinn is a naïve college freshman when she meets on-the-rise rock star Ethan Richards. He’s an idealistic, handsome, reckless young man, but he’s captured her heart. She doesn’t give up on him and eventually his walls crumble down. By the time Valerie has given herself to him completely, she discovers he’s damaged and may be beyond help. Can she save Ethan and their relationship before he implodes, or will he self-destruct and take her with him?
About Jade's series Nicki Sosebee:
Got the Life: Nicki Sosebee has been working low-paying jobs ever since she finished school, but now that she’s older, she wants more. She’s a novice reporter trying to learn the ropes. Just as she’s getting her career goals on track, though, her love life gets worse and worse. Sure, she has no problems picking up good-looking guys for brief flings, but relationships? Out of the question. Maybe it’s because Sean, her gorgeous best friend, just can’t see her as more than a buddy. So when Sean encourages her as she pursues her first headline-producing story, Nicki realizes that her life’s pretty sweet…if only she can live long enough to see tomorrow’s front page.
Dead: Nicki’s love life might suck, but her sex life is great. The only way both could be spectacular would be if her best friend Sean would look at her as more than just a friend. Nicki knows she’s stuck in the friend zone, so she focuses her energies on her job. She’s becoming a better reporter every day, so when her editor asks her to interview a local politician, Nicki is thrilled. But when the politician’s secretary ends up dead, it’s anybody’s guess as to who did it. Nicki has a few ideas, though, and finds herself in deep trouble as she pokes her nose where she thinks it belongs.
No Place to Hide: The Winchester Tribune publishes an article warning the women of Winchester that there is a sexual predator on the loose in the streets of the town they once thought was safe. Danger doesn’t stop Nicki, though, and it’s not till it’s too late that she discovers the criminal in the place she least suspects. And there’s no one who can save her this time. Meanwhile, she decides that her new love interest Jesse might be worth more of her time...but he’s not making it easy.
Right Now: Nicki is becoming a better reporter, so much so that her boss Neal leans on her more and more to get the good stuff. So when a rash of robberies hits the downtown Winchester area, Nicki is reporting the damage...and probably getting a little too close for the bad guys’ comfort. As if that weren’t enough, Nicki finds herself in a full-fledged love triangle between Jesse and Sean...and she can’t bear to choose between them.
Dead: Nicki’s love life might suck, but her sex life is great. The only way both could be spectacular would be if her best friend Sean would look at her as more than just a friend. Nicki knows she’s stuck in the friend zone, so she focuses her energies on her job. She’s becoming a better reporter every day, so when her editor asks her to interview a local politician, Nicki is thrilled. But when the politician’s secretary ends up dead, it’s anybody’s guess as to who did it. Nicki has a few ideas, though, and finds herself in deep trouble as she pokes her nose where she thinks it belongs.
No Place to Hide: The Winchester Tribune publishes an article warning the women of Winchester that there is a sexual predator on the loose in the streets of the town they once thought was safe. Danger doesn’t stop Nicki, though, and it’s not till it’s too late that she discovers the criminal in the place she least suspects. And there’s no one who can save her this time. Meanwhile, she decides that her new love interest Jesse might be worth more of her time...but he’s not making it easy.
Right Now: Nicki is becoming a better reporter, so much so that her boss Neal leans on her more and more to get the good stuff. So when a rash of robberies hits the downtown Winchester area, Nicki is reporting the damage...and probably getting a little too close for the bad guys’ comfort. As if that weren’t enough, Nicki finds herself in a full-fledged love triangle between Jesse and Sean...and she can’t bear to choose between them.
About Jade: Jade C. Jamison was born and raised in Colorado and has decided she likes it enough to stay forever. Jade's day job is teaching Creative Writing, but teaching doesn't stop her from doing a little writing herself. Unfortunately, there's no one genre that quite fits her writing. Her work has been labeled romance, erotica, suspense, and women's fiction, and the latter is probably the safest and closest description. But you'll see that her writing doesn't quite fit any of those genres.
You'll have to discover Jade's writing for yourself to decide if you like it.![]() |
All of Jade's books |
FMM: Do you outline your
scenes and chapters before you begin to write?
JCJ: Nope. I’m a
“pantser,” meaning I have an idea and an end goal, but throughout the writing
process, I fly by the seat of my pants. I have always despised outlines,
because they seem to take away from the fluidity and creativity of the process. Not
outlining allows my characters and the situation to lead the action…and every
once in a while that means surprises for me as a writer. It’s
I hated outlines in school too, and maybe my
refusal to do them today stems from a need to be continuously rebellious. I
sometimes write with a loose set of notes, but even that is rare. My
writing process is usually a little more organic, fluid, and less organized
than that.
FMM: If you had to
rewrite one of your books, which book would you rewrite, and what would you
JCJ: There are a few, but if I had
to settle on one, it would be a slight revision of Rock Bottom. So
many readers were mad about how the main characters, Ethan and Jenna, get
together. Ethan is going to group sessions for addiction and Jenna is the
group leader. He has also been seeing her as a counselor, but when
it becomes clear to her that their relationship is deepening, she tells him she
can’t counsel him but allows him to continue going to group. A lot
of readers were angry about that, saying it was a major ethical no-no. Okay,
I can see that. If I could go back and rewrite it slightly to
further demarcate their professional relationship from their personal one, I
That said, any other book rewrites would simply be
picking. I had a grad professor once tell me, “It is never done,
only due.” Same with books. If allowed, I could and would
pick at them forever, but there comes a time when it is just obsession and I
need to let it go and realize that it will never be perfect but it can be good
FMM: Is there a
message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
JCJ: Probably, but it wouldn’t be
intentional. I tend to be a hopeful person, so even if things are
bleak, they have to hopeful for me to be happy. So that would
probably be my message—don’t ever stop hoping; don’t give up. That
and strength. I know a lot of people felt that Valerie in Bullet was
weak, but I strongly disagree. She was young, sheltered, and
naïve. She grew into her strength, and her situation slowly helped
her toughen up. I don’t like female characters who can’t or won’t do
anything for themselves. I like female characters to have an inner
strength, and I’d like to think my female leads do.
FMM: How do you come up
with your book titles?
JCJ: Sometimes a line in the book
will become the title (as in Fabric of Night); other times, I think
of the title before I actually start writing (as in Feverish). The
Nicki Sosebee titles are a bit tricky…but they’re also secret. There
is a method to them, and I know one or two readers have figured it out, but I
like that mystery, so I’m not telling! Once in a while, I’ve had a
crappy title for a book (and I’ve known it) and my husband has said, “Why don’t
you try ________ instead?” That’s how Worst Mother got
its title. Every title I came up with for that book beforehand
sucked. When I told him the theme of the book, he suggested the
title. I loved it and it stuck.
FMM: Where do you get
inspiration for all of your characters? Do you go to other people? Do you
research? etc.
JCJ: It’s all in my warped little
head. Sometimes the situation creates the characters, but most often
I know the kind of character a story needs and I let the story idea kind of
germinate in my head, along with the characters. I don’t start
writing until the idea “ripens.” I observe people and often ask
myself what makes them tick. Those observations and questions
usually grow into facets of a character. Truth be told, though, most
(if not all) of my characters probably have a little bit of me in them, even
the ugly parts.
FMM: Do you listen to
music while you write? If so, what kind?
JCJ: Oh, hell, yeah. Metal—any
kind of metal, but always and only metal. It can be
good old-fashioned heavy metal, death metal, metalcore, thrash, nu metal, etc.,
but it’s never not metal. In fact, I can’t write if I’m not
listening to music. It helps me tune out the rest of the world so I
can focus on the one pouring out of my mind.
FMM: Where or how did
your strong passion for writing originate?
JCJ: As soon as I could pick up a
pencil, I wanted to write. I started writing poetry at the age of
seven and short stories at the age of twelve—mini mystery “novels” that I even
illustrated. I continued writing throughout high school and moved on
to novels in college. I have always written, even when not
published. I am compelled to write. It is a need deep
within me, and I feel fulfilled when I do it. If I’m not writing, I
feel empty. Sounds corny, but it’s true.
Was a good interview. It was great finding out how Jades process goes for writing the books that she does. I am a big fan.